Thursday, July 29, 2010

Haydn's Stanley

I didn't use the Stanley colours but i think it still looks good!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Stanley on the moon..

Flat Stanly got a ride to the moon and he has his space helmet on and he's watching his mate in a space buggy

Hannah sent in a few more great entries!

Chef Stanley in his kitchen!

Stanley on his farm feeding his animals!

Stanley in his very own office working away with his apple laptop!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Flat Stanley at Hogwarts

Flat Stanley is at Hogwarts... Ron Weasley style!

Stanley on the farm

Flat Stanley and his cousin, Brittany Brownie (in Guiding uniform), went to Maisy Mouse's farm to see the big chickens they grow in New Zealand!

Stanley in the post!

One day we came home from school and found Flat Stanley in our letterbox. He is so flat that he could slip right through the slot!

Stylish Stanley

Fara has sent in a very stylish Stanley!

Brooke continued...

Brooke sent us in SEVEN different entries, and they are all fantastic!

Stanley was trying to lift a heavy bag of cement. 20kg was too heavy for him and flattened him even more!!

Stanley getting served for breakfast under a massive pile of pancakes!

Stanley getting the creases ironed out of his clothes!

Stanley asked me to flatten him some more with a sledge hammer!

Brooke has been very busy!

Brooke sent us in SEVEN different entries, and they are all fantastic!

Stanley is stuck after the toilet lid fell down on him!

Stanley getting cooked while being flattened by a pancake in the saucepan!!

Stanley tried to help fix the car and became stuck when dad put down the car battery!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Futuristic Stanley

Jesse loves creating futuristic space transporters and creatures with lego. Here Flat Stanley is ready to fly into space on the 'Super light transporter delight'.

Pirate Stanley

Stanley has become a pirate. He is sailing the seas with his trusty parrot in search of treasure.

Stanley is going in the mail!

Flat Stanley is going in the mail (sorry the Fs is backwards)

Chiara's Stanley

This is from Chiara.. My aim was to make Flat Stanley look like he is helping the world,because if children see their favourite book character helping the world such as the environment them they will help the world as well by cleaning up and following Reduce,Reuse and Recycle.
Which will also encourage kids in future generations.

Cody's Stanley

Cody sent us two awesome entries.. ...flat stanley is so exicited because he got a car so now he can drive around every were hahaha

well flat stanley is with my mouse jack he was having so much fun with him and flat stanley wants to see jack again hahaha

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Tim's Stanley

Flat Stanley is going to have a bath in the chicken and corn soup!

Stanley tucked up in bed!

Flat Stanley is in his bedroom getting ready for bed,with his pink apple mac laptop!

Ready for bed!

Ella has got Stanley ready for bed

Lucy's Stanley

Lucy's Stanley is a busy business man!

Jaber takes Stanley on!

Jaber colored in Stanley and mum helped him put the picture together so he was playing football with me!

Flat Stanley is a Cats fan!

Jacob's Flat Stanley is a bit of a footy fan!

Flat Stanley meets a lizard!

Stanley would love to have fun on a new Apple Macbook, but he also likes to go for an adventure.. watch out for that lizard Stanley!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Luke and Charlotte took Stanley to the Big Prawn!


Unfortunately, our Big Prawn in Ballina NSW is being pulled down. Stanley wanted to see it before it goes. Sure is BIG!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Stanley loves his Wii!

Flat Stanley is standing next to Mohammed's two favourite Nintendo Wii games!

Stanley standing guard...

Flat Stanley is guarding a very special jewel called The Ruby. If anyone steals it, they will be in big trouble!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Edwin's Stanley

Stanley is beamed on board the USS Enterprise to help the crew and explore strange new worlds!

"Sailor Stanley"

Travis's Stanley is sailing the high seas!

"Socceroos Stanley"

Harry's Stanley is in training for the next World Cup!

Flat Stanley enjoys reading about Apple!

Stanley loves reading about computers and what's happening with Apple technology. As well as surfing the net, he loves to read the latest computer magazines.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Luke's Stanley

Stanley is in the scanner being scanned and then emailed to you on the other side of Australia. How great to be flat!

Stanley gets to the end of the rainbow!

Flat Stanley goes to the end of the rainbow and he finds a pot of gold! He can finally buy a mac laptop!!!!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Eva's Stanley

My picture is based on Flat Stanley going to school and then later going to sport which is why he is wearing runners.

Stanley goes to the library

This is a picture of Flat Stanley going to the libary, Stanley is wear a personalised dinosaur jumper.

Rocco's Stanley

Stanley has made friends with my pet fish, Bubbles. Where we live it is very cold now and Stanley needs to stay inside.

Evangeline's Stanley

Stanley is visiting Yosemite National Park!

Annika's Stanley

My picture shows Stanley getting ready for the Football World Cup as a football supporter

Owen's Stanley

Stanley arrived in the post along with his skateboard, he had lots of fun on the ramps but he liked the flats more.

Hannah's Stanley

Flat Stanley is being chased by giant rodents it's the attack of the giant fuzzy guinea pig and the coo coo bunny.

Samuel's Stanley

Samuel only used 4 colours because his big brother jordan broke the rest of the colours. But we think it's pretty great!

Charlotte's Flat Stanley is off to Sydney!

Flat Stanley is thinking about all the adventures he will have Down Under. He is about to explore magnificent Sydney Harbour.